Victoria Weymouth

Reiki Practitioner


I’m Victoria. 

I am a Crystal Reiki Practitioner, Teacher and Mother.

Earth Star & Soul was created as a result of my personal Reiki and life experiences.

Within a Reiki session, I will use a variety of modalities including, Reiki energy healing, Crystal energy healing and Crystal Singing Bowls, all of which associate with the different chakras (energy centres) in the body.  

I am particularly passionate about working with those who seek to balance their energy flow for: 

Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing

Because our heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the body. Its electromagnetic energy field is around 5000 times greater than that of the brain.  

Stress Reduction 

Because negative stress can lead to anxiety, mood swings and even depression.

Strengthened Intuition 

Because feeling and listening to our intuition can guide us in making decisions that are in alignment with our greatest good. 


Hold space to manifest your dreams, while receiving Universal Life Force Energy.

Enhanced Creativity and Self-Expression

Because creativity allows us to innovatively solve problems and, of course, uniquely express ourselves.

Since introducing Reiki into my life, I have a stronger connection to intuition, creativity, nature, and energy. It has also assisted me in healing past emotional and spiritual wounds. Reiki has become an important means through which I nurture myself.

During a particularly difficult time in my life, I began a slow, but steady healing process. I began healing consciously and eventually subconsciously. I began healing emotionally, by naturally giving myself the space to feel through it all. Still, something within, didn’t quite feel complete. I felt as though I had not completed my healing. Within a moment of stillness, I realised, that we are multifaceted beings and that not everything heals with a one-sided approach. That sometimes, we need to look at healing on our many facets, or on different levels. I had a deep, spiritual wounding in need of repair. 

I went from seeing an amazing Reiki Master as a client for spiritual healing, to soon after, studying Reiki and then practicing on myself. Time and practising Reiki on myself became the final steps in my healing process. Years later, I furthered my Reiki studies. I did the work. As an Empath and Sensitive, I felt my way through it all. Was it messy? Yes! Has doing the work made me a happier, relaxed, and more grounded person? It has. I continue to practise Reiki on myself and have a newfound level of acceptance, forgiveness and loving-kindness towards myself and others.

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is an energy healing system that originated in Japan. I have studied the traditional Dr. Mikao Usui method. Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful technique that harmonises energy flow in the body. It is based on the Eastern medicine belief that all living things have an energy field that supports their health and overall wellbeing. When our energy is in a state of harmonic flow, we have better access to our intuition, creativity, overall wellbeing and so much more.

Reiki is a nurturing, hands on healing technique whereby Universal Life Force Energy (Reiki Energy) is channelled through the practitioner’s hands to their client. However, hands on contact is not always necessary, as the benefits of reiki can be received through distance healing. 

How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki energy is channelled through the practitioner’s hands to their client. As a reiki practitioner, I may sense energy imbalances in the energy centres of your body, the chakras. Either way, Reiki energy is channelled to you for your greatest good. Reiki energy can assist with harmonising and balancing the flow of energy within and as a result may enhance your body’s own natural healing ability. 

Complimentary Therapy

Reiki is a complimentary therapy. Reiki assists in energy flow throughout the body. It is a complimentary therapy to work alongside traditional medical practices. Although Reiki is offered in many hospitals around the world, with over 800 in the USA and growing within Australia, Reiki is not a substitute for medical health care treatment. Reiki opens the energetic flow throughout the body, so that you can find your own inner healing.


Intuitively chosen crystals can be strategically placed on, or near you throughout your Reiki experience to amplify the Reiki energy. To promote further deep relaxation, I may play crystal singing bowls that align vibrationally with your chakras. Please note, it I advised that if you wear a hearing aid that they are turned off throughout this part of the session, or this part can be skipped entirely if preferred. 

In my Spare Time 

I like to play golf, go to the gym, go on family adventures, sing, dance with my kids, write, walk in nature and take photos along the way, do oracle card readings, meet with friends and read books. On my bookshelf you’ll find books on neuroplasticity, crystals, Earth science, biographies and spiritual development. 

My dearest values include:




Nurture your body’s inner healing potential, unlock creative forces, relieve stress, strengthen intuition, or hold space for manifesting. With intuition and Universal Life Force Energy, I am offering Crystal Reiki to assist you in finding you own inner healing. 

I look forward to working with you. 

